In 1998, Dr. Karoly Nikolich and venture capitalist Robert A. Swanson explored a simple, but powerful idea: what if they could form a therapeutics company dedicated to applying the latest molecular and cellular research techniques to central nervous system diseases? Soon afterward, the vision was realized with the launch of a new company. It was named AGY Therapeutics, after the Hungarian word (agy) for brain.

Since its founding, AGY Therapeutics has had one focus: the discovery, development and commercialization of breakthrough treatments for diseases of the central nervous system. The company has developed a unique, proprietary platform for functional gene discovery and mapping out specific pathways underlying central nervous system diseases. By harnessing these capabilities, AGY can identify potential target proteins that can be modulated to block the progression of the disease process.

The company has launched drug discovery and pre-clinical development programs based on its own well-characterized novel targets. AGY is building clinical development capabilities and is putting its first candidate molecule into human clinical trials. AGYs drug discovery and development efforts focus on these key therapeutic areas: neurodegeneration, (functional recovery from stroke and neuroprotection) and cognitive disorders (cognition/schizophrenia).

AGY now has a pipeline of novel CNS therapeutic programs in clinic and preclinical development to address major unmet medical needs. The company has overcome the steep challenges of the drug discovery and research process and is now tackling development challenges to deliver novel treatments for diseases of the central nervous system.
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